
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Romans take on the Franks in "To The Strongest"

The Roman Senior General looks on as the action unfolds upon his left
Steve's wonderful Franks prepare to take on my Romans.  One of the great aspects of TSS is the adaptability of various
basing styles that can still play within the grid system of the games.

As the crowd at the club builds up the Roman legios get ready for some "angon" dodging practise!

Overview of the armies deployments - Roman cavalry mainly centred to the right flank with one Equites unit
already making a mad dash on the bottom of the photograph.  Frankish deep units at the ready.

Off we go to the races - this units intent was purely to harass the enemy lights and distract them as much as possible.

Roman archers at the ready in support of the Veteran legio to its right.

I love Steven's Foundry Franks and have an army waiting to be based myself.

The Roman heavy cavalry start to make their way forward.

The unit of Catafractarii hits the deep Frankish unit which fails to disorder it with its shock missile.

Whilst in the centre more Franks make their way forward.

With a hero in tow the Clibanarii advance past the Warriors and prepare to flank if possible.

On the right the Roman Equites Illyricani are doing a good job countering the Frankish cavalry

Back on the left the Romans have been hampered by a few "1's" being drawn and are slowing down their advance.

The action starts to hot up in the middle.

The Frankish unit on the right is in some deep trouble despite holdings its own against the Roman
heavy cavalry to its front..

The gridded mat system makes measuring movement and shooting ranges so much easier.

The Roman cavalry now start to gain the upper hand.  Victory is mine!

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