
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sassanids lead the Romans a merry dance - TTS report

The battlefield is set for a showdown on the eastern plains.

As previously mentioned Steve and I wanted to give the very playable To The Strongest a nice run down at the NWS.  We wanted to find out if we could generate some interest amongst the members as well as have a bit of fun blowing off the cobwebs with the rules.

In addition this would be Steve's first game of TTS and so I wanted to make sure he would get a feel for the game mechanics.

My largest Roman Command complete with undecorated baggage camp - this weekends project

We decided to take our old favourites - Sassanid Persians and Late Roman.  Lots of bow fire, missile weapons from those sneaky Persian and a bit of steel from my veteran legions and cavalry.  Surely the safety of the empire is assured!

My second command - smaller, weaker and obviously magnetically attractive to Sassanid arrows!

Steve' First command resplendent with deep raw foot and lovely Saravan and Catafracts

Second Persian command - they don't look too menacing.

The advance commences...

...bloody more quickly than I anticipated to be quite frank!

Pesky skirmishing light cavalry did a good deal of damage to my flanking cavalry.  They hit often and when I needed
to save it was an abysmal 2 or 3 on the counters.

We really need to stick the shooting and save counters on the back edge as Simon suggests.

My activations were a horror story - I drew out two "1's" in a row and was caught very much on the hop.

Here you can see Persian light cavalry on my flank, and my Equites up at the hill on the left of shot. My Catafractarii
are preparing to swap through the light bowmen and see if they can stem the rot.

Whilst Steve starts moving up the escorted elephants ...just because he could.

I do like the look of the great Persian unwashed - raw shieldwall style infantry

Frontal view - a few spears popped off in transport but they are easily fixed!

Another view of my centre - still in tact you may note.  At least at this stage!

Unfortunately it was at this stage that things started to go very much pear shaped for the mighty Romans.  My right flank was being folded in by the quick and incisive flank attack from my Persian foe.  I had been unable to come to grips on my left flank where I had a superiority and when I did engage the enemy in the centre my attacks were met with considerable ease.

At this point we felt that the Roman commander would set a line with two cohorts of legionairies and some cavalry support and attempt to extricate himself from the situation.  Easier said than done methinks.

The game was a great load of fun.  We bypassed the terrain set-up and stratagems this time but will include them next week.

A big thumbs up from everyone who saw the game.

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