Quite a few wonderful Elite Miniatures French from their 1805-07 range. |
Just a quick post to show that I am still well and truly alive and still ticking along with this very enjoyable project. As I mentioned on the AMG forum basing can be a very much Love/Hate aspect of the hobby for me.
There is nothing I enjoy more than actually affixing the figures to the bases and looking at what starts to resemble a wargaming unit.
However then comes the PVA White Glue, sand, rocks and debris, sanding of the edges, brown paint, light brown paint, lighter paint again, touching up the boots and gaiters that have become inadvertently blotched with brown paint (ugh!), flocking, tufts etc.
Lovely early French Legere with the side plume along with a few Front Rank characterful figures tossed in for good measure. Love the Jingling Johnny and the Drum Major! |
Out of focus in the photograph but very much in my sights in the coming weeks. |
As may have noticed I have reverted to the old WHC Peter Gilder basing with the Chef De Battalion slightly in advance half-based on a small oblong shaped piece of MDF. Looks great in my humble opinion.
These figures are 99% Elite Miniatures from the talented Mr Peter Moreby and purchased from Nathan Vinson who is Peter's man in Townsville, as well as the rest of Australia and New Zealand with Elite Miniatures Australia.
The Front Rank figures are from Alex Brown and available in their Early French range of excellent Napoleonic figures.
All the best until next time.
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