
Sunday, March 22, 2015

"Dutch Courage" - Napoleonic Dutch Belgians and Nassau for the Hundred Days Campaign 1815

Dutch Belgian cavalry survey the field.

With the upcoming Waterloo Bicentenary commemorations planned at the Napoleonic Wargaming Society in a few months, I thought it was an opportune time to whet the appetite and post some pictures of my Napoleonics that are preparing to be dusted off.

Here are a few shots taken of my chaps taking on Cookies French in past encounters.

The 28th Orange Nassau prepare to advance upon the French positions

Nassau advance through the fields

Is that Trip leading them or Ghigny?

Cookies French advance past the lovely Hovels Belle Alliance model to meet the Dutch attack

Nassau skirmishers - excellent Perry Miniatures figures

"Up that hill and at 'em lads!"

French start to form square as the Dutch 8th Hussars and 5th Light Dragoons move up in support

Dutch Belgian artillery in support of the attack start to launch some withering fire.

Lovely shade of blue on these lads.

View from across the board - Cookie doesn't seem the least bit worried by my attack as he is chatting on the other flank!!

Moment of truth...my Nassau normally don't make it this close to the enemy

Prince of Orange looks on.  This is one of my favourite shots of him and this made it into the General De Brigade Deluxe rule set of the very clever David Brown.

Saxe Weimar looks to save the day - again!

Perporcher looks...perplexed. 

Dutch Militia appear to be heading in the wrong direction.  Joining the Cumberland Hussars perhaps? 

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