Elite Miniatures French Chasseurs expertly painted by Nathan at Elite Miniatures Australia |
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Though I have been very much enjoying my ancients gaming in recent months, the Napoleonic project has been ticking along at a nice pace with many figures reaching readiness with basing, awarding of colours and being sent off to be either painted or sitting on my own desk awaiting the required issuing of uniforms (in the form of a lick or two of paint!).
I always like to include the elite squadron in my cavalry units |
Another view of the lads as they launch what hopefully is a successful charge |
The 1805-07 Chasseur habit veste has the lace on its front which is quite different to the plainer chasseur coats of the mid to later period of the wars. |
Once again this unit will see a fair amount of action against the Elite Miniatures Russians, Austrians and even some early Prussians being mustered to take on the Corsican Ogre.
As has been the habit lately on most of my very best Napoleonic French cavalry units these were painted for me by the very talented proprietor of Elite Miniatures Australia Nathan Vinson.
Great job Vinnie!!!
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