
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Spanish 2nd Lusitania Dragoon Regiment - Connoiseur Miniatures

The 2nd Lusitania regiment prepares itself

As part of the 4th Spanish Cavalry Division the Dragoons of the 2nd Lusitania Regiment have often been much maligned as just "conscript style troops" that were typically second rate and good for little else than guarding prisoners and hauling supplies.  They did have their moments however to be fair, they were few and far between.

The Spanish Army had a particularly ugly day at Ocana in November 1809 which opened up the country to very aggressive French strategic manoeuvres that gave them a strong position, albeit temporarily, in Spain.

Connoisseur figures look perfect for this period

Another view as they manoeuvre into position
These are glorious Spanish dragoon figures from Connoisseur Miniatures, though I do think you could almost mistake them for Elite Miniatures as well.  Peter Moreby, the owner and sculptor for the latter I understand learnt quite a bit about sculpting wargames figures from Peter Gilder from Connoisseur so I guess that makes alot of sense.

Either way I find both ranges for this period superb!

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